Posted by: NatureIsAwesome | August 10, 2009 @ 9:00 am

Monday Radar

This morning we had some unexpected difficulties with our computer, as a result we are unable to post the radar images. Through out most of Florida the winds were not optimal for migration last night, winds were better in the Jacksonville area where birds did appear to have taken to the sky last night. Good birding everyone!

Nature is Awesome
Angel & Mariel


  1. Hello,

    I went out to Green Key later than Ray and found more warblers. They are feeding as they move through and the bill snapping noise they make as they eat the abundant leaf hoppers is the best way to locate them.

    From 9:00am to 10:00 am;

    17 Prairie Warbler
    9 Yellow
    2 Prothonotary
    1 Yellow-throated
    1 Louisiana Waterthrush ( report from Jim McKay)

    Also located two Brown-headed Cowbird young still being fed by Prairie Warblers.

    Ken Tracey
    New Port Richey

  2. On my usual morning walk around the Mangrove Bay Neighborhood I found a small group of warblers, as well as another unusual visitor a Dark Morph Short-tailed Hawk. The STHA was roosting in a Slash Pine where a group of Blue Jays had gathered to mob it. Warblers included 3 Yellow-throated, 1 Yellow and 1 Prairie.

    Don Margeson
    St. Petersburg

  3. This morning, 8/10, I found 3 Upland Sandpipers in the sod fields about 8 miles west of Bunnell in Flagler County. These were the only shorebirds present, other than Killdeer. There were virtually no birds at the “Mud Bogging” area.

    Michael Brothers
    Ponce Inlet

  4. I saw my FOS YRWA in my yard yesterday here in the Panhandle.

    Bob Penhollow
