Posted by: woodcreeper | September 27, 2007 @ 6:44 am

Where’s your favorite migrant trap?

I’ve received several emails regarding this question, so I figured I’d send it back to you, the Florida birders. Before I do, though, I’ll first say that if you want a comprehensive description of the best birding locations across the State, there are several really good books out there that I can highly recommend. Brian Rapoza’s guide is great, and can be purchased here, and Bill Pranty’s guide is a Florida staple, and is available here.

I would like this list to be focused primarily on migration hotspots, so without further ado:

Spring or Fall, where is it? I’m compiling a list and will post it to Badbirdz-Reloaded after sufficient comments. Please include the following:

Season (“Spring, Fall, or Both”)

Placename (Lucky Hammock)

Synonymous names (“Magic Hammock, sic. C.J. Grimes, 2001” ; “Looky Hammock, sic Florian Veau, 2001* *possibly just a mispronunciation, he’s French”)

Size (in acres if possible, or relatively speaking, such as “big park, about the size of AD Barnes”)

Location (city/town, “Homestead”, or “Just outside Everglades National Park”)

Location (Address, “Air Jet Road” )

Location (specific directions, such as “about 1/4 mile down Air Jet Road, off of CR 336. The Hammock “proper” is a small piece of hardwoods on the west side of the road. Birding is best along the south edge of the hammock, but can be good inside during the day when birds are seeking shelter”. Down the road another half mile is the area known as the “Annex”, which has multiple ficus trees which are excellent when fruiting)

OR paste a link to Google Maps, “,-80.566134&spn=0.011882,0.020084&t=h&z=16&om=1“)

Best conditions (“this is an inland site that produces great numbers of birds in any season when migration is heavy over South Florida, but can produce great numbers in either season when winds are favorable for inland migration”)


  1. […] high densities of birds moving across the state in a NNW –> SSE direction. All migratory hotspots will be birdy today, with many locations experiencing very high densities of birds. Because there […]
