Posted by: NatureIsAwesome | October 4, 2010 @ 9:12 am

Another Push To North Western Cuba

North to northeast winds dominated Florida last night, and a moderate flight was evident across most of the state. This is the radar from 5:00pm last night to 7:30am this morning.

Frames are every 1/2 hour. Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.
Base Reflectivity image from Key West, FL Base Velocity image from Key West, FL Base Reflectivity image from Miami, FL Base Velocity image from Miami, FL Composite base reflectivity for the Southeastern USA

The SE mosaic radar loop indicates that most of the state experienced some migration last night. Most birds were heading NNE->SSW across the state which will favor inland and west coast migrant traps this morning. Heaviest density was seen over the panhandle once again moving N–>S over the Gulf. Another push of migrants took the wing headed to Cuba and points west such as the Yucatan Peninsula.

An interesting observation on the radar is what appears to be migrating raptors in the first three frames of the SE mosaic radar. Looking towards the central part of the state just west of Melbourne heading towards Winter Haven a “line” is apparent on the radar moving west. These returns are typical of raptor migration and could have well been birds moving, awesome. It is very quick but you can pick it up if you are fast enough.

Hope to hear from you the readers/birders soon, we would love to know what is around today.

We hope to hear from the Ladies at the Cape with a report of what was banded today. We had a great day yesterday with numbers and diversity looking up.

Nature is Awesome,
Angel and Mariel


  1. Sorry for the late post, but after my walk through the Mangrove Bay Neighborhood between 10:45-11:30 AM I had only 2 Palm. 1 Pine and a couple Gnatcatchers to report. Between 12:30-1:00 PM Lorraine discovered a small flock moving along the Mangrove lined canal behind our house that included Chestnut-sided ( I still have not seen one this fall ), Prairie, American Redstart ( female ), Palm Warblers, a few she was unable to ID and more Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and a Gray Catbird. Later from the 4th floor deck I saw the immature male Sharp-shinned Hawk that has been around since Sept. 19th. Later we saw a kettle of 14 Turkey Vulture circle up off the Mangrove Bay Golf Course, our first of Fall here.

    Don Margeson

  2. Finally some new migrants were seen today at the Bonita Bay East Golf Course northeast of Naples in Collier co. One group included Gray Catbird, Tennessee Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, Palm Warbler, and Pine Warbler. Another location had Yellow-bellied Flycatcher and Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Of course there were other birds first seen a couple of weeks ago – Black and White Warbler, American Redstart, and Prairie Warbler. And then the usual abundunt Blue-gray gnatcatcher, Carolina Wren and Northern Cardinal. Later in the day a Yellow-throated Warbler was sighted.
    A good day to see some birds after a long wait.

    Monica Higgins

  3. Improvement is, of course, relative. Winds were at 15-20 and gusting higher all morning. Migrants were present but mostly higher in the trees as the winds carried them in from the NW over the marsh to the south side of the park. We caught Common-yellowthroats, an American Redstart, Ovenbirds and saw: Red-eyed Vireos, Black and White Warblers, our first of the season Gray Catbird arrived, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo blew in, about 200+ Chimney Swifts with a few Tree Swallows and a rare Barn Swallow in the mix overhead. We watched a nice kettle of 9 Ospreys total come over, several flocks of Great Blue Herons, 2 Peregrines, and our resident Bald Eagles were flying in tandum against the blue sky. Lovely.

    None of this seems like much but it is consistant with what the NEXDAR showed at 6 AM…nothing over Ormond area. Not enough birds to make a single blip but from Flagler north and New Symrna south the screen was all green. Well, looks like what it shows is what it is.

    Tomorrow will be even better!

    Meret S Wilson
